Research Interests

Research Interests

His research interests revolve around animal breeding and genetics, with a particular focus on the intersection of bioinformatics and genomics. He is passionate about creating innovative computational methods that can lead to the development of novel algorithms and analytical tools for analyzing large-scale genomic data. His ultimate goal is to contribute to the development and application of genomic selection techniques in livestock breeding programs, enabling the creation of sustainable and profitable breeding strategies that not only meet the growing demand for food production but also improve animal welfare and minimize the environmental impact of livestock production.

In addition to his research interests, he has published numerous research papers on various topics in the field of animal breeding and genetics. His published work includes studies on the estimation of genetic parameters, genomic prediction of complex traits, conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS), detecting genome-wide signatures of selection, genotype imputation, and the development of computational tools for genomic selection.

Furthermore, as an active member of the international research community, he serves as a reviewer for many international journals in the field of animal breeding and genetics. Through his involvement in peer review, he strives to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field and ensure the quality of published research.

Future research plan:

1. Characterization of indigenous breeds of farm animals in Bangladesh or other countries

Using the high-density SNP chips, which include genome information, research on the breed origin & identification would be further extended to domestic animals.

2. Construction of breeding plans using genomic information

Based on the genome information, genomic relationship matrix can be constructed, such that the magnitude of inbreeding can be monitored and controlled for the animals and in case of mating.

3. Planning genetic evaluation system for breeding using genome information

After consideration of the inbreeding, and mating scheme, the candidate sires and dams are selected based on the genomic breeding value on the basis of genome information, which can be implemented in breeding stock in Bangladesh or other countries.

4. Development of genomic selection tools for complex traits in farm animals

Genomic selection can be used to select animals with desired traits using genomic information. This can be extended to more complex traits, such as disease resistance, fertility, and meat quality, which are important in the breeding of farm animals.